Saturday, July 2, 2011

i don't know if this is going to flow. but today has been different. at the chiropractors, landon spit up all over my shirt, needless to say i didn't have another one in my car, so i spend the next hour to an hour and a half smelling the sweet aroma of spit up. yum. then as i pulled through burger king drive thru, i realize, i dont have my debit card. sweet. good thing my husband was behind me and could lend me his. after a few wrong turns, i finally get on the expressway to go home. l
andon has been sassy to say the least. apparently he is teething? drooling all over the place, chewing all over his hands, fussy, fussy, fussy, not taking his naps, which in turn, fussy, fussy, fussy. i attempted a nap while bri took care of him, but all i could do was think about landon and what i could do to help him.
so i get up and feed him, even though it's 'not time for him to eat' then after playing for a short while, he falls asleep. i put him down. oohhh about 15 minutes later he is up and at em! as i'm sucking on my blow pop, i rub my finger on it and put it on his lips. again, totally against 'the rules' but man, did that kid love it! we did it a couple more times and got the same happy reaction. to rush this story along, he got a bath, feed some more, then become fussy again, screaming and crying. i snuggle him and he falls asleep. i let him lay on my chest. as i stare at him, contemplating putting him in his crib, i start to cry. not a sad, ugly cry. but a 'i am exhausted, but i signed up for this cry/i was so frustrated with you 10 minutes ago, but you are a sweet baby/please sleep/i love you'
i did put him in his crib to hopefully sleep, then i go into the kitchen where my husband is cooking dinner and doing laundry. smile. hug. big hug. cry some more. i love him. we are 2in1.
i will finish this blog up with a little story from this marriage book we read. one little story everyday. title-let life's experiences draw you closer together.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

wow, again, i have a blog?

so i'm going to try to for real do this blog thing. i find myself having a lot to say, not sure what i'm supposed to put online and what to keep to myself... so just bare with me. we have a baby. thats big news. he's 3 months old. red hair. blue eyes. getting fat. sassy baby. i dont know what i'm doing really, i just live day to day. for the first month i drove myself and most likely brian crazy trying to 'figure out' my child. was he sick? what was wrong? let me look online. bad choice. according to sources online my child has one of three thousand things wrong with him. awesome. hopefully i guess the right one. now, i try to not assume something is wrong. babies cry. babies have bad days. babies might throw up. babies might rip their mothers nipple off. oh wait, thats not normal. or is it?? let me check wikapedia.
now as i look at the black and white video monitor, i see the top of his big head. laying there peacefully. and here i sit in the dark living room with only the glow of the computer screen and the tigers game.
i just read party of four's blog. it has made me think of a few things: 1. we need a good camera. 2. God has a plan for my family and for me. I just need to sometimes let it go and let things happen. don't get so uptight about laying around my house for two days straight and not doing a darn thing on my to-do list. 3. i have a good chance of being the only girl in my household. lastly 4. i also have found mascato wine by barefoot to be tasty. as a matter of fact i have two bottles here at home.... hmmm... i should go have a glass, i mean, i did have a hard day of tv watching.

Monday, July 5, 2010

do i still have a blog?

as i sit in my room at my parents house, i aimlessly look at facebook, which then leads me to the heethuis blog. i wish i could write a blog as interesting as hers. then i see 2in1... hey thats our blog. ha. do i still have one? here it is. maybe this will be my summer 'thing' to do.
so a quick catch up: almost married for one whole year!! back in michigan for the summer. it's so good to see family and friends that we don't see while we carry on our lives back in nc. ernie is well ernie. he doesnt paint fun pictures, doesn't cook with mommy/daddy, doesnt have any funny jokes to tell.... but he did jump in the lake this weekend! it was such a proud moment for us :)

well, on my summer to do list.... blog, take pictures, hang out with family and friends, celebrate our one year anniversary, go to a couple weddings, and most of all... relax :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

lights out

It's been raining for three days straight. today was windy as well as rainy. not a good start. at school the lights flicked a couple of times in the morning.... so i sat with a flashlight all morning. did i mention the schools server was down? so no computer. a couple of kids being themselves i guess, which is exhausting for me. 130pm in my self contained reading group as well as having a 5th grade boy who has autism. just us sitting at the round table. the power goes out. did i mention that my room has no windows? so its a dungeon. not only are the two couple of kids low functioning but the boy in 5th grade then starts to say "they're here... they're coming to get us" did i mention that i left the flashlight on the other table? ohhh my life in the classroom is never a dull moment. tomorrow is jean day. i hope it's not raining and i hope the power doesn't go out. i need just a small break.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


i came into my kind of deaded staff meeting thinking i hope this doesnt take long. its my day off of cheerleading and i wanted to actually get some planning done. well its now 4pm and i am still there. just as we are about to be dismissed, our counselor tells us some sad news about a couple of families.
one hispanic family has 4 kids. one 16, one in 8th grade, one in 4th and one in 1st. the two younger kids go to my school. well their 16 year old brother decided to go with some friends and break into a house. as the house alarm went off, he attempted to jump out of the window and stabbed himself with the glass on accident. this family was visited by our school admin. and they have nothing. the food was barely there and this family is now grieving and trying to figure out a funeral with no $. the second story is a 1st grader at our school. his parents just had a baby 3 months ago, dad recently lost his job, and this past weekend was killed in a car accident. ugh. just as i was thinking that my day was going to be ruined if i didn't get planning time after school.
as i sat there, i probably could've cried. i cant imagine that feeling that anyone in either of those situations are going through. could you imagine losing your sibiling at a young age? or what about your dad? or being the mother to a lost child? a wife... with two young kids?
i called brian and told him the story and said, lets help. he agreed. so i went and bought some food for the family that was in great need. it felt so good. while i was at the store, another story from the meeting came to mind. staff morale being low... we needed a lil pep. and so me... being voted most school spirited in high school and being on the SUNSHINE committee, i got to thinking.
i came to school today, with no lesson plans, ha, but i did bring 4 bags of food for a family in need, and a bowl full of lifesavers and kisses (chocolate ones that is) with a note on top saying "sometimes all you need to save your day is a lifesaver or a kiss" how creative i know! no one knew it was me except for the couple of teachers in the room when i made the drop off, but by the end of the day, the bowl was almost gone and whether or not they gave a crap about the note, they had to have read it. and i know for sure they enjoyed the candy.
so after you read this..... go pay it forward in some way :)

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I have a blog?

Well, I will say, I totally forgot I have a blog... or should I say, we have a blog. It was fun to look at Tammy and Theresas blog and see the pictures of the kids :) We miss home, so I love seeing the pictures and reading the stories.
So summer came and went. We got married <3 We love it. The wedding was so much fun, the reception was fun, everything was so much fun!
Now the school year has started, we are a month into it already, pretty crazy. The honeymoon period at school is for sure over! Brian and I are staying pretty busy with school, coaching, painting the apt on the weekends, putting away all of our wedding gifts, or trying to at least.
We did hang up our new wine glasses underneath the cabinets in the kitchen, so when the Klein's come to visit I will have some wine and wine glasses for you. As for Theresa, I for sure have short rock glasses to make us a nice little V&T :)
Keep us posted on life up there, we miss you all!

Friday, July 3, 2009

Well, it's been a few months, sorry. The last couple months of school were exhausting and to be quite honest, I forgot about the blog. ha. surprise. Well here's what we've been up to:


There is only 15 days left until we become a married couple. aahhhhh. That's an ahhhh of excitement if you couldn't tell. While Brian is enjoying the life in Vegas this weekend, I will be enjoying writing out thank you notes, finishing centerpieces, trying to figure out how to do a picture slideshow, and bathing my... I mean our dog. Man Brian has it rough. Well, thats about it. I am so excited to be back home in Michigan. It's so good to be able to see friend and family and more than just a couple days. I am also enjoying the summer life of a teacher... hence that's why I have so much crap.... I mean fun things to do for the wedding. I've been enjoying laying out in the sun baking my white skin, so that I look "glowing" in my dress. Thats if the dress actually fits. I am PMSing and eating just about anything in site. The latest crave is rice krispie treats. I made them at the Klein's, tried to leave them, but when I was leaving, there was a note on top of the pan saying, "Amanda, please take these with you or else I will eat them all, luv, Dad" haha, so I left them two and took half a pan home with me. Thank goodness, because they are delicious! Im sure I might regret this decision in a couple weeks as I try to squeeze my fatnesss into a tiny dress :) So if you are at the wedding and notice back fat hanging out of the top of my dress, just think of how happy I am that I ate those treats.


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